13 DEC 2017 by ideonexus

 Farmers Hurt Themselves Financially to Avoid Paying Taxes

gonzoflip 1 hour ago | unvote [-] I have family that farms in Iowa and I also worked in the agriculture industry there for a while after leaving the military. One thing that increases the stress on the farmers is the way they avoid income taxes at all costs so they rarely save any of the profits from good years to help them float during the bad years. This is all anecdotal but I have personally talked with several farmers that would rather buy new equipment they say do not even need than pay...
Folksonomies: ideology taxation
Folksonomies: ideology taxation
  1  notes
28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 Talk to Your Babies

The more parents talk to their children, even in the earliest moments of life, the better their kids linguistic abilities become and the faster that improvement is achieved. The gold standard is 2,100 words per hour. The variety of the words spoken (nouns, verbs, and adjectives used, along with the length and complexity of phrases and sentences) is nearly as important as the number of words spoken. So is the amount of positive feedback. You can reinforce language skills through interaction: l...
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2,100 words per hour in a variety of words. Babies are listening.